
Assisi is situated on the slopes of Mount Subasio, from where it dominates the plain crossed by Topino and Chiascio rivers, tributaries of the Tiber. This town, birthplace of St. Francis and St. Clare, has become famous throughout the world as the centre of the Franciscan message of universal peace and brotherhood. An Etruscan settlement …


Perugia is a city rich in history and monuments and a significant cultural and economic centre. It is home to one of the most ancient Italian Universities and to the greater University for Foreigners in Italy. The rapid development of Perugia, which was one of the most important cities of the Etruscans, was favoured for …


Gubbio is one of the oldest cities of Umbria, extremely well preserved during centuries and rich of monuments testifying its glorious past. Its origins date back to the height of the Umbrian civilization, as shown by the Eugubine tables, seven bronze tablets written in the Umbrian language preserved in the Museo Civico. Thanks to its …

Città di Castello

Città di Castello is very rich in history and monuments and has a secular culture. The oldest part of the town, surrounded by long stretches of the sixteenth-century walls, preserves works of art of the highest quality, such as the elegant Renaissance buildings, the courtyards and the loggias of the noble palaces (Palazzo Vitelli is …


Umbertide is located in a green valley (very fertile thanks to the presence of the Tiber river) dominated by Mount Acuto. The oldest part of the town is still surrounded by medieval walls: here it is possible to admire the Rocca, a superb medieval military fortress which has always been a symbol of the city. …


Cortona is one the main cultural and tourist centres in Val di Chiana. This city was an Etruscan settlement: of great importance are the archaeological sites of the Etruscan graves dating back to VII-IV century B.C. in the hamlet called Sodo (said “Melons” by local people for their particular shape) and the remains of the …


Montepulciano, city of Etruscan origin, is called the “Pearl of the Fifteenth Century” because it preserves the works by famous Renaissance artists such as Vignola, Sangallo and Peruzzi. Its history is particularly rich in events, especially since the Middle Ages: in fact, at the beginning of the fourteenth century the vitality of Montepulciano, promoted by …


In the heart of Orcia Valley, Pienza was nothing more than a small village until 1462. The event that changed its fortunes happened in 1405, and it was the birth in the town of Enea Silvio Piccolomini, who would later become Pope with the name of Pius II. A trip to Mantua led Pius II …